InfertilityAid was founded by Dr Minqi Yang and Jihua Liu.
Whom discovered that the general health condition and mental well-being have a far greater impact on fertility than many realize ...
We have spent more than 10 years researching in patients with infertility problems with aim to find an effective treatment method.
From the 250 successful pregnancies we compiled data on the typical clinical symptoms of infertility patients.
This information is converted into an analysis system that can identify the patient's specific IM-BALANCE with high precision.
We then use Chinese herbal medicine to RE-BALANCE the body, which has proven to be extremely effective in strengthening the fertility.
Through our Online Diagnosis System we have helped couples across the world.
Jihua, Ms Eng in BioChem eng. from Lund University. She has served as reseacher at school of pharmacy in University of North Carolina, and worked for the drug devemopment companies for more than 13 years. During the last 10 years she has developed a geneuen interest in eastern medicine. InfertilityAid is a combination of her expereince from pharma industry and Eastern medicine.
" I'm so lucky to be given the chance to learn both the Western and Eastern approach. Intertility is definitly one of those areas where Eastern medicine can make a big differens when Western medicine doesn't work! " - Jihua Liu
Dr Minqi Yang is a highly respected doctor loved by her patients around the world. In 1986 she became attending phicision in Chinas premire hospital Tongji university hospital. She established her first clinic in Sweden 1996 and has since then treated over 15 000 of patients with great reslut. Minqi Yang is educated in both Western medicine and Chinese medicine.
"The the best thing I know is when a patient calls and tells me that say I'm pregnant!" - DR Minqi Yang